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Each Sunday at 10:30 am

On Site and

Live Streamed on Facebook


Choir Practice at 9 am

Open to All

Come As You Are





St Paul's is a liturgical church which follows the various liturgies found in The Book of Common Prayer.  This prayer book is a rich source for both public and private worship.



Lay persons assist in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, holding the Gospel Book, helping with the presentation of communion elements, and assisting the deacon or priest in the preparation of the altar for communion.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the altar for worship at the Holy Eucharist, the daily office, weddings, funerals, and other ceremonies. 



St. Paul's choir is a group of singers who lead and support congregational singing and also offer special music of their own.  The choir performs a wide variety of music, including original compositions.  Singing is supported by accompaniments on our new Allen Renaissance organ.  Choir practice is held every Wednesday at 6:00 PM and on Sundays at 9:00 AM.  New members are always welcome.



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