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St. Paul's is honored to host Boy Scout Troop 5, Melissa Petersen, Scoutmaster.


Scout Sunday 2024 was held on February 11 at the same time as the regular service. We were joined by Scouts and their families, and hosted a Court Of Honor to award scouts for their hard work and dedication after the service. Sweets and snacks were also be provided.

St. Paul's new flags and  lighted flagpol were the result of a service project of BSA Troop 5!

 Our Scouts volunteered at the Strawberries and Cream festival at the Crosby Arboretum. They ran a temporary tattoo station!

Our new Boys Troop 5B cooking breakfast at a campout at Little Black Creek.

Our most recent Eagle Scout, Maranda, displays her Eagle project. She built and installed a Blessing Box outside the church, stocking food and hygiene products for people in need!

St. Paul's and Troop 5 were very excited to carry the flags and the St. Paul's banner in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade!



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